Replacing HEPA Filters: Is it time?

High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance filters, sometimes referred to as High Efficiency Particulate Air filters, or HEPA filters for short, are an integral part of air purification and cleaning systems, with a range of applications. These thin microfiber filters are used in clean-rooms, bio-safety cabinets and other laboratory technology, as well as air conditioners and vacuum […]

Bag In, Bag Out Changeout Procedure for Safe Change Housings

Filtration systems are a critical part of any clean-room, with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters being of particular importance. HEPA filters trap harmful pathogens and other potential contaminants, removing them from the environment. These filters may form part of wall or ceiling-mounted systems or included in bio-safety cabinets. Safe Change Housing for HEPA Filter Systems […]

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